Tag: donor
Building a safe haven with Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park’s artificial turtle nesting site
Today’s post comes from Rose Brandt, a Discovery student at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park. If you’ve been to Bagwa Day-Use Beach at Samuel de Champlain, you might’ve wondered what that seemingly random pile of sand beside the beach is all about. That would be our artificial turtle nesting site!
Your purchase helps parks: revitalizing Killarney’s aquatic ecosystems
Did you buy something from our online holiday store last year? In today’s post, Ontario Parks staff talk about some of the vital protection work your purchase helped fund! Ontario Parks — as part of a bigger provincial effort — has been working hard to assess and repair ecological integrity in many of our inland…
Why donate to Ontario Parks?
Did you know only a small portion of Ontario Parks’ budget comes from provincial taxes? In fact, the vast majority of operational funding comes from day-use and camping fees, rentals, partnerships, and the support of our generous donors. Our donors give for many reasons. Ontario’s provincial parks are places of treasured memories, family traditions, connections…